Labels:cassette tape | cell phone | crt screen | desk | monitor | rock | sky OCR: UTAH CENTENNIAL CAPSTONE comprehensive record of Utah's 1996 Centennial Celebration Published by the JANUARY 1996 UTAH celebrated 100 years as state Utah State The party began long before this applauded day and conti tinued Historical Society, for a year afterward 300 Rio Grande Salt Lake City UT Hundreds of events honored Utah's celebration Each county held 84101 events to honor Utah; Wayne County celebrated with a historic trail ride: Cache County spent nights with the Utah Festival Opera. Statewide activities incl luded the C Centennial Wagon Train, Faces of Utah the Passport Program, and others. Publications, exhibits, and productions honored Utah's birthday Manui factured for The State Legislature appropriated money to the Utah State the Historical Historical Soci iety to make this re ...